Benefits of Learning English Language -One Language Spoken Globally English As A Foreign Language Grammar gives clarity to speak and write INTERNATIONAL EXPOSURE INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS Learn English As A Foreign Language Learn English Profiency Skills OVERSEAS EDUCATION STUDY ABROAD Why Grammar is essential?



Learn English as a foreign language. English is the most commonly
spoken language in the world today. The English language is spoken by
every second person globally. Every school has introduced English as a
second language in their syllabus to help students to communicate and
relate to their studies, their teachers, colleagues, other surrounding
people, and family. Learning English has become an important agenda
in every person’s life, as they want to learn the English language to help
them in their Communication, Writing, Speaking, Reading & Listening
skills. English is the only language that has set the standard & is spoken
English is the second largest language in terms of both native speakers
and those who use it as a second language. English is the next popular
language when it comes to Business, Travel & Communication,
Overseas Education, Migration to other countries, Government
Assembly, Lawyers, Government Courts, Educational Institutions like
Schools/Colleges/Universities, Government and private offices, etc. all
use English as their official language.
English –“The most loved and accepted lingua franca” today!  Having
strong language skills is an asset that will promote a lifetime of effective
communication. The 4 skills in the English language are Listening,
Speaking Reading & Writing. The English language is a part of our daily lifestyle, and it’s hard to imagine a society without English Communication.
How to Improve your English Language Skills:
1. Everyone makes mistakes
2. Learn to accept your mistakes & learn from your mistakes
3. Associate yourself with people who speak English
4. Regularly practice the 4 skills in English- Listening, Speaking,
Reading, Writing
5. Make a regular study plan and practice your skills daily
Simple Tips to help you speak English Confidently
1. Believe in yourself
2. Listen to a conversation before you give a reply.
3. Do not study grammar too much
4. Listen carefully to the question which is being asked, because the
answer is in the question.
5. Read the News Paper daily.
6. Use the Mirror as your friend & ask yourself questions & give
7. Learn New words daily
8. Be positive
9. Communicate with people/friends who speak English
10. Do not be afraid to ask questions
The Purpose of Studying the English Language
The main purpose of studying the English Language by every person in
society today is because it helps people to relate to a particular subject,
express a feeling, ideas & views about life, etc.
Why is early learning important in a Child?
Early learning of the English language skills for a child/children is very
important because it helps a child/children to relate to a particular
subject or express a feeling or relate to a particular message they are
trying to convey to someone. If the child does not have the basic
communication skills, they can face many difficulties in trying to relate or
communicate or express themselves in the proper manner, hence they
may end up sending or giving the wrong message to people. Developing
language skills in a child is important at an early age as it helps them to
exchange information in a more meaningful way.

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