
Helpful Strategies to excel in IELTS Reading Exam.

Practice reading 
This is one of the best methods for cracking the IELTS reading test in one month or just in a few
days. Most people have a hard time reading because they do not read on a regular basis. To get
a better grip on this language reading, you have to read something anytime you have free time.
You can read the below-mentioned things. 
 Newspaper. 
 Magazines. 
 Articles. 
 Books etc. to name a few of them. 
Read fast 
In order to be a pro at reading English, you have to read faster. Reading fast or at a normal
speed is important to get better scores on the exam. Also, another tip that you can ponder on is
trying to read the general or familiar English and not the one which is not used on a daily basis. 
Understand Reading 
Reading is not just about speaking the words louder among people. The reading test is
basically to judge your scanning, analyzing, and inferring skills. As we all know writing contains
punctuation marks but you can also show them while reading. S, try to not read just aimlessly
and focus on the small details. 
Divide the time 
In the IELTS test, there are different levels of reading and every level gets tougher than the older
one. Therefore, you must be prepared for each and every level in the test. You must give the
required time to both the simple and hard words. Hence, dividing the time accordingly can help
you crack the IELTS reading exam in 8 or 9 days. 
Some other tips to crack the IELTS reading test with
maximum bands
The aforementioned was the general tips that you can use to be good at reading the English
language. Now, if you are looking for some more useful and technical tips that can help you in
the test then this is the right place. Scroll down to know some of the beneficial tips to crack
IELTS test. 

  1. The reading test includes both reading and answering the questions. The passages can be
    long, short, or tricky, therefore, you must be in your full preparation to read any kind of difficulty
  2. To be able to give better answers, it is important to read the whole passage with interest.
    This will, furthermore, give you a fair idea about the whole context of the passage. 
  3. There is no negative marking in the test, so you can take your time in attempting the entire
    sets of the questions. 
  4. Do not directly jump to the passage, it is important for you to read both the headings and
    subheadings carefully. 
  5. IELTS exam does contain a lot of specific difficult words, therefore, it is advisable for you to
    not panic. 
  6.  Beware of using wrong spellings, punctuations and wrong singular and plurals. This leads
    to a heavy deduction in marks.
    Read as Many Different English Texts as
    You Can
    One of the best ways to improve your reading comprehension is to read as much as
    possible. Try to expose yourself to as many English reading materials as you can—books,
    newspaper articles, online publications, academic materials, and even social media. Being
    exposed to a variety of written content will help improve your reading skills and broaden your
    Your reading speed will improve, too, which will give you an edge when taking the real test.
    Remember, your time will be limited, so reading questions quickly will save you valuable
    seconds on the test.
    Don’t Make Reading Your Only Study
    Being an avid reader is great. Unfortunately, reading a lot of books only does so much to
    prepare you for the IELTS test. The Reading section is designed to test your ability to
    identify important information. So unless you’re closely analyzing everything you read, you
    won’t be fully prepared for the Reading section.
    One helpful exercise is to create questions for yourself. Find an article that interests you and
    read it
    Learn Unfamiliar Words
    As you read different texts, get into the habit of highlighting confusing words or phrases.
    Then make sure to learn what they mean. This will help you avoid stumbling across a word
    you don’t recognize during the actual test.
    Try Reading the Questions First

Before reading the passages in the Reading section, take a look at the questions first. Since
they directly relate to the passages, knowing the questions beforehand will help you know
what to look out for as you read.
After reading the passage through the first time, return to the questions and re-read them.
This will help you pinpoint which sections of the passage you need to pay careful attention
Remember, Spelling Counts
If your answer is spelled incorrectly, it will be marked wrong. The good news is that you don’t
lose points for wrong answers, so if you’re not sure how to spell a word, give it your best
shot anyway. You may get it right!
Watch Out for Traps
As mentioned above, the Reading section is all about reading a text and
identifying key information. Let’s say you’ve followed our advice and read the
questions before reading the text. You then spot a word in the text you saw in
one of the questions. That must be the answer, right?
We’ll let our friend Admiral Ackbar take this one:
The Reading section is set up to test your reading comprehension and part of
this means making sure you’re paying attention. Some questions are designed to
mislead you into thinking they have obvious answers. Always re-read your
answers to make sure they are doing what the question asks. Don’t fall into a

Labelling Diagrams
During the Reading test, you may be asked to label a diagram. The good news is
that you’ll find the words you need in the text. As noted above, spelling counts,
so be sure to accurately copy any words you need.
Highlight Important Information

The Reading section asks you to process a lot of information in a short amount
of time. To make things easier for yourself, underline and circle important words
and sentences as you go.
Divide Your Time Evenly Between
The Reading test asks you to answer questions on three different passages. The
recommendation is that you spend 20 minutes on each passage. This may not
seem like much time to devote to a single passage but remember, you only have
one hour to complete the Reading section.
By splitting your time evenly between all three passages, you’ll give yourself the
best chance of overall success. Just remember to keep an eye on the time, as
you don’t want to end up with only 10 minutes to spend on the last passage.
A Few Other Tips to Keep in Mind:
 You don’t lose points for wrong answers—so never leave a blank space
 Make notes on your question paper, but remember, only your answer
sheet will be marked 
 You’ll be writing in pencil, so remember to bring an eraser
 For the True/False questions, you can write “T” or “F” instead of True or
False, respectively
 Questions aren’t always linear, meaning the process of answering them
doesn’t necessarily have one starting and ending point 
We hope you found these tips helpful and wish you the best of luck on the IELTS are not perfect.