Covid 19 Study Abroad


OET -The reading section is divided into three parts – Part A of the OET is a summary reading task, while Part B & C consists of careful reading tasks. Part B& C have a multiple-choice section based on the two reading passages. 15 minutes to complete Part A, and 45 minutes to complete Part B & C, and the total time limit of 60 minutes for the entire reading section. The total number of questions in the section is 42

In order to complete the reading section successfully by answering the required questions in 1 hour. Here are a few guidelines tips and strategies to help you understand and complete the task on time.

  1. When you start reading the passage, you start underlining important facts next to the keywords, which will help you to connect to the answers quickly and also helps you to save time. This is a frequently used strategy and has never failed.
  2. Never leave any questions unanswered when attempting the OET, if the answer is incorrect you will receive a zero and no marks will be deducted as there is no negative marking. Always attempt all the questions, even if you are unsure of the answer, as there is a chance you might be correct and you have nothing to lose.
  3. It is always good to read the questions before reading the essay texts. This strategy helps you to connect to the answers more quickly as you are familiar with the questions which will help you in parts B &C which has Multiple Choice Questions.
  4. Focus on English language comprehension and not on the content -while the essay text will be based on medical texts, hospital guidelines and it is important not to lose focus and concentrate on completing the questions using your reading comprehension skills.
  5. While reading part A it is important that you read it thoroughly as you will have to write a summary of it. However parts B &C you must skim through the texts as you are only looking for the keywords and facts that will help you answer the Multiple Choice Questions.
  6. Read instructions carefully and check your answers.
  7. OET Reading – A total of 42 marks – Part A -20 Marks, Part B – 6 Marks, Part C – 16 Marks