
Ways to Improve Your Public Speaking Ability

Snakes? Fine. Flying? Not a problem. What about public speaking? Yikes! Just thinking about public speaking, which is frequently cited as one of the greatest (and most common) fears, can cause your palms to sweat. However, there are numerous ways to overcome this fear and learn to deliver a memorable speech.

  1. Nervousness is normal. Practice and prepare!
    2. Know Your Audience. Your speech is about them, not about you.
    3. Organize Your Material in the Most Effective Way to Achieve Your Goal.
    4. Keep an eye out for feedback and adapt to it.
    5. Allow Your Personality to Speak for You. Use humour, tell stories, and use effective language.

If you don’t have to, don’t read. Create an outline and work from it.

. Make Good Use of Your Voice and Hands. Nervous Gestures should be avoided.

Draw attention to the beginning and end with a bang.

Make Good Use of Audiovisual Aids.

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