
Marking Criteria for IELTS Speaking

IELTS Speaking tests are conducted by trained and certified IELTS examiner. When assessing your performance they work with clearly defined criteria to asses your speaking from Band 0 to 9. scores will be separated according to your performances.

Examiner assess your performance under four criteria

Fluency and coherence :

The candidate should speak fluently with only rare repetition and over self- correction. the candidate should have connectivity between their ideas with appropriate features and also the way you develop your topic and the way demonstrate the language.

Lexical Resource :

Lexical resources are nothing but the usage of words and their appropriateness. when the candidate can produce synonyms of every noun and adjective effectively they will get band 6.5 and when they can use effectively then band 7 is the score they get for their how you speak naturally.

Pronunciation :

How you speak in a natural way. The invigilator never expect you to use any accent instead she expects clarity from your talk. In order to improve your clarity doing speaking and reading aloud every at least 20 minutes a day will make you to be confident on the date of examination.

speak formally and be aware of your choice of words and also try using idioms to boost your score.

How good is your grammatical ability?
To improve your Grammar and its accuracy try to avoid grammatical errors by using advanced structure called passive forms and conditional clause and reported speech. Try to practice basic grammar exercise to increase your accuracy.

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