
Study in Canada (Study in Canada Consultants in Chennai, Study in Canada from India)

Canada offers the best international education in top universities and colleges.

It comprises all educational levels

  • Bachelor’s degree
  • Master’s degree
  • Doctoral degree

It has universities and colleges which are top ranking institutions in the world.

Canada is destination to more than 642000 international students as of December 2019 according to IRCC.


THE IMMACULATE has sent a number of students on study visa to Canada and they have settled down very well earning a handsome salary. They have also obtained permanent resident visa and citizenship. We have sent students for all types of courses to Canada and help students with part time and full time jobs.

The study abroad platform of THE IMMACULATE has been successful in sending students to Canada to achieve their dream of studying and settling abroad.

THE IMMACULATE has won the best overseas education consultancy award for the TIMES OF INDIA EDUCATION ICONS.

It holds the record in being a guide for students in choosing their career and courses in India and abroad.

Complete visa guidance till the student lands in Canada.

Student visa, immigration, visa processing with work permit.

The students are given basic career guidance & counseling. We have provided career guidance to atleast 25000 students.

THE IMMACULATE training center offers the best training for foreign entrance exams

Why to choose Canada as an education option?

Affordable education

Friendly learning atmosphere

Home like living with all facilities

Technology related learning

Safe and secure environment for girls and boys ( crime free country)

Excellent Academic Exposure

Being in the 21st century where technology and internet plays a vital role, Canada has also come out with new methods of technical related teaching. It provides the best learning and teaching assistance with top educationists as your guide

Canada offers a wide range of courses included with research and extra certified crash courses

The best place to grow and get exposed to your field of study and work

If you are looking out for a research related course with good experience and exposure there cannot be a country better than Canada, the student not only thrives with assistance from the university but also from the government with required back push.

Is Canada education costly?

Cost of education is very reasonable in Canada. A country which gives you good quality of education as well as an affordable education fee so Canada can be your priority compared to other countries.

Earn while you study

Finance to manage daily expenses in an international country is a question that arises for every student.

But Canada sparkles your life through with a good part time job to enable you pay all your expenses and help you save the rest of the salary from your part time job.

By providing 20-hours part time work for students while they are studying and full time on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.

After completion of the course, you earn a handsome salary, with immigration, International Work Experience, Permanent Residence and Citizenship opportunity.

Canada provides a period of 3 years of work permit after the completion of the post graduation course.

Requirements that a student must have to attain while applying for Canada The student will have to be assigned with a study visa as well as a Temporary resident visa (TRV)

What does the term "study permit" mean ?

The study permit is not a issued visa to the student but it is a permit ( permission ) granted to the student along with a TRV - temporary resident visa.

There is a major difference we need to understand before we venture into processing of the application into Canada

If you are looking out for a research related course with good experience and exposure there cannot be a country better than Canada, the student not only thrives with assistance from the university but also from the government with required back push.

What is the required documentation for a student to study in Canada ?

Acceptance letter from the institution or university you are going to study in

Vaild updated passport or travel permit document

Financial proof for living expenses while to reside in canada

Educational expenses proof

Which includes tuition fees

A return transportation proof once you complete your course

A compulsory policy document has to be produced which states that you are a Law abiding citizen

The candidate has to produce clearance of no-risk to the country which includes clear police criminal records

A clear and specific medical checkup has to be completed with produced medical records

The candidate has to appear for a personal interview session at the Canadian Embassy for further processing

Proved documentation for a Canadian Bank account in the name of the student

Proved clear documenting files transmitted with regard to any loan taken towards the education of the student

All cleared recent bank statements without any backlogs

Clarity of educational financial statements

If the student is applicable for a scholarship sanction the candidate will have to prove evidence of received scholarship or any funded educational program towards the course

The English language requirements

For a candidate to abstain a study permit in Canada they will have to pass through an English proficiency test This test is done to prove the effectiveness in the English language for the students.
The candidate will have to give their IELTS ( International English Language Testing System ) They will have to achieve the band score based on university and college requirements.

The financial statement expenses for education in Canada

Studying abroad is usually expensive but Canada provides fees which is of affordable quality and qualified education

The main educational expenditure will be the term fees which is directly proportional to the universities and the course you take up

But on standard bases under graduation coures related to arts are relatively cheaper to courses with medical and engineering

On post graduation courses it is higher depending upon the course , duration,

Accommodation expenses

In this the candidates ability to read write and understand is taken into consideration this will be based on health professional subjects

On campus residential expenses From cad 9000-11000 annually
Off campus residential expenses From cad 450-750 per month THE IMMACULATE offers assistance with off campus accommodation.

Communication basic expenditure

Being an international student it is necessary to keep aside a amount for means of communication

On a basic stretch monthlyphone plan stands to cad 25

Medical assistance

It is a standard mandatory segment for students to get through a medical insurance before they began their journey

The insurance is rated between 600-950$ per year

Tax payments

Indian students who are studying in Canada obtains a Social Insurance Number are permitted to work 20hrs per week

About us

THE IMMACULATE Training was dedicated in the year 2005 by Debie Avilaa Westcott MBA, B.Ed. a stalwart in the field of education.